Before entering the competition, please make sure you read and understand all of the rules. If any of the rules are not followed, NailOn Global reserves the rights to disqualify entry up to 2 months after the close of the competition.

  1. The competition takes place in the online form, on the platform
  2. The official start of the competition is shown in each Category.
  3. Registration start and closure dates are shown in each Category.
  4. The competition judging will evaluate after the closure date shown in each Category.
  5. Only the registered users on can participate in the competition.
  6. The condition for participation in the competition is the payment of the entry fee.
  7. The Judges will evaluate the competition entries according to the criteria specified in the "Category" tab.
  8. The winners will receive trophies for the first three places. Information on the prizes can be found in the "Awards" tab.
  9. To participate in the competition, you must upload required numbers of photos through the portal (plus verification photo) listed in the category tab.
  10. Details on verification photos and examples can be found in the "Verification" tab.
  11. The composition and appearance of the competition entries must relate to the category and division. 
  12. The original products packaging cannot be included in the competition photos.
  13. The final classification of the submitted work is the average of the points awarded by the panel of judges for the evaluation.
  14. The winner of each category will be the participant with the most points
  15. The winner of the winners will be the participant with the most points in all categories.
  16. The organiser of the competition may discourage participants who break the competition rules.

  1. All categories must contain accurate pictures. Follow the picture guidelines.
  2. Competitors can work on their hand. No training hand accepted.
  3. Pictures cannot be retouched, except for the poster category where some editing, like skin softening, is acceptable but does not retouch the nails. 
  4. When sending the pictures, please be aware that each category requires a different set of images. Check the picture guidelines. All photos need to be in high resolution to allow judges to see all details. 
  5. Use white or black background for your pictures (unless part of the poster category). 
  6. All entries must be new to NailOn Global, not published before in magazines or on social media. Also, the entry cannot be used in any previous competitions. 
  7. Competitors are not allowed to share the entry pictures on any social media before the winners’ announcement.
  8. Please make sure you have chosen the right division, if by mistake you have entered the wrong division, please contact us no later than 48 hours after your purchase. 
  9. All entries must be original, it’s not allowed to use themes which have copyrights. 
  10. Do not watermark your pictures. Also, the model’s hand can’t have any unusual marks, for example, a tattoo. 
  11. While uploading the pictures, you will be allowed to add a description of your work (this is not mandatory). Please make sure you are not adding any details of yours, like your name, brand name, address etc. This will affect our blind judging, so please be aware that we will disqualify all works with personal details.
  12. For fair play, all competitors can take part in each category only once. 
  13. Same work cannot be entered in more than one category.
  14. Competition fees are not refundable.
  15. The final decision of your scores it’s up to our judges and organisers.
  16. We have a 2 steps verification process. The first picture you are uploading needs to contain your work next to the card with a sign “NailOn Global”. The second step is to fill out your social media links in the user panel.